Thursday, September 13, 2018

Simulating basic economies

[Hayek 1961]: "[economics] has become too ambitious by applying standards of rigorousness ... to the empirical science of economics where there are definite limits to what we can positively now; that we shall see more clearly what economics can do if we separate that logical groundwork – the economic calculus as I have called it – from its use in the empirical science of economics; and that, though this science is of great help in all-important issues of the choice of an economic order and of the general principles of economic policy, its power of specific prediction is inevitably limited – limited by the practical impossibility of ascertaining all the data – those very data whose utilization in the allocation of resources is the great merit of the market system"

[Jaffé]: agent-based simulations, allow us to explore complex economic phenomena.

It seems that python mesa could be a very interesting tool to explore economic interactions.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

On the relevance of the probability distribution.

Some time ago, I had already presented some results on simple games. Now, a friend of mine has started to trade and I want to help him understand something.

Imagine you have a game where you bet 100 and can get either 110 or 90 with 50% probability. 

Suppose you play this game 200 times and in each game you bet a fraction f (0<f<1) of your whole equity. What happens to your equity after 200 games?

The simple answer is: you get the initial equity because you win 10 or lose 10 with equal probability. But a more detailed answer is given in the next figure, which shows a simulation of 100k experiments:

As there are probabilities involved, we only can get statistical results. The green line depicts the mean value of the equity, which is 100 irrespective on the fraction that you bet. But the shades of blue also indicate the distribution! They are chosen so that the light blue area represents 90% of the population and so on, as given in the legend. The blue line represents the median: the separation between the top 50% and the bottom 50%. (The frontiers between shades of blue are the percentiles 95, 87.5, 75, 62.5, 50, 37.5, 25, 12.5 and 5)

So, the interesting thing is that even if the mean is 100, in 75% of the experiments your final equity is less than the initial one if you bet your full equity (f=1). If you bet 40% of your equity (f=0.4) you are under the mean only in 62.5% of the cases.

So, be careful with the probability distribution of your equity. The mean may look important, but is meaningless in these long tailed cases!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Getting data for analysis in mySQL

Steps to have the latest data available for analysis

  • Download historicos from
  • Extract to a directory mamed historicos.
  • Download additional daily data from here and place them in a directory named diarios.
  • First, treat historic data and create all.txt.cut with these 2 commands:
$ ../atem-0.3.5-static-linux/atem64  --field-separator='|'   --format=-time ../historicos > all.txt
$ cut -d'|' -f -7 all.txt | awk -F'|' '{$(NF)="0|0|0" FS $(NF);}1' OFS='|' | awk -F'|' '{$(3)="0" FS $(3);}1' OFS='|' > all.txt.cut

  • Then combine the daily close files in tmp.txt.cut with these 2 commands
$ awk -F',' '{x=$2;yy=substr(x,1,4);mm=substr(x,5,2);dd=substr(x,7,2); $2=yy"-"mm"-"dd}1' OFS='|' ../diarios/*.txt | sort > tmp.txt
$ awk -F'|' '{$(NF)="0|0|0" FS $(NF);}1' OFS='|' tmp.txt | awk -F'|' '{$(3)="0" FS $(3);}1' OFS='|' > tmp.txt.cut

  • Finally, create the database:

$ rm val.db
$ sqlite3 val.db < 0create.sql

$ sqlite3 val.db < 1fill.sql

The contents of 0create.sql
CREATE TABLE stockprices (
        symbol          varchar(12) not null default '',
        date            date default null,
        previous_close  real default null,
        day_open        real default null,
        day_high        real default null,
        day_low            real default null,
        day_close       real default null,
        day_change      real default null,
        bid             real default null,
        ask             real default null,
        volume          numeric default null
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX stockprices_pkey
        on stockprices (symbol, date);

The contents of 1fill.sql
.import tmp.txt.cut stockprices
.import all.txt.cut_cleo stockprices

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Some results on neural networks

Test on JAZ

std error train: 2.19 std error test: 2.32
max error train: 5.54 max error test: 5.54
std error train: 0.67 std error test: 0.71
max error train: 2.04 max error test: 2.01

This is the result after 100 training epochs
In [7]: testthresholds()
 0.00 <#:  395> <EUR:    4.57> <EUR/trade: 0.012> <%: 77.09> <%/trade:  0.20>
 0.05 <#:  346> <EUR:    4.69> <EUR/trade: 0.014> <%: 79.25> <%/trade:  0.23>
 0.10 <#:  301> <EUR:    5.11> <EUR/trade: 0.017> <%: 82.02> <%/trade:  0.27>
 0.15 <#:  258> <EUR:    5.34> <EUR/trade: 0.021> <%: 86.22> <%/trade:  0.33>
 0.20 <#:  208> <EUR:    4.97> <EUR/trade: 0.024> <%: 76.80> <%/trade:  0.37>
 0.25 <#:  152> <EUR:    4.72> <EUR/trade: 0.031> <%: 74.67> <%/trade:  0.49>
 0.30 <#:  129> <EUR:    4.27> <EUR/trade: 0.033> <%: 68.26> <%/trade:  0.53>
 0.35 <#:  101> <EUR:    3.61> <EUR/trade: 0.036> <%: 59.96> <%/trade:  0.59>
 0.40 <#:   83> <EUR:    3.22> <EUR/trade: 0.039> <%: 53.38> <%/trade:  0.64>
 0.45 <#:   62> <EUR:    2.43> <EUR/trade: 0.039> <%: 43.28> <%/trade:  0.70>
 0.50 <#:   55> <EUR:    2.39> <EUR/trade: 0.043> <%: 42.46> <%/trade:  0.77>
 0.55 <#:   51> <EUR:    2.28> <EUR/trade: 0.045> <%: 40.74> <%/trade:  0.80>
 0.60 <#:   45> <EUR:    1.78> <EUR/trade: 0.040> <%: 32.21> <%/trade:  0.72>
 0.65 <#:   38> <EUR:    1.34> <EUR/trade: 0.035> <%: 24.70> <%/trade:  0.65>
 0.70 <#:   34> <EUR:    1.39> <EUR/trade: 0.041> <%: 25.23> <%/trade:  0.74>
 0.75 <#:   25> <EUR:    0.83> <EUR/trade: 0.033> <%: 14.28> <%/trade:  0.57>
 0.80 <#:   20> <EUR:    0.58> <EUR/trade: 0.029> <%:  9.79> <%/trade:  0.49>
 0.85 <#:   10> <EUR:    0.65> <EUR/trade: 0.065> <%: 11.84> <%/trade:  1.18>
 0.90 <#:    8> <EUR:    0.51> <EUR/trade: 0.064> <%:  9.66> <%/trade:  1.21>
 0.95 <#:    4> <EUR:    0.37> <EUR/trade: 0.092> <%:  7.17> <%/trade:  1.79>
 1.00 <#:    3> <EUR:    0.33> <EUR/trade: 0.109> <%:  6.47> <%/trade:  2.16>

In [8]: able2generalize(buildsignals(0.6))
For NEW signals
   gain>0.sum()  --winning sum 0.292  # 3
   gain<0.sum()  --loosing sum -0.236  # 3
   gain/loss ratio :  1.23728813559  Hit ratio :  1.0
For OLD signals
   gain>0.sum()  --winning sum 2.538  # 27
   gain<0.sum()  --loosing sum -0.811  # 12
   gain/loss ratio :  3.12946979038  Hit ratio :  2.25

In [9]: able2generalize(buildsignals(0.7))
For NEW signals
   gain>0.sum()  --winning sum 0.292  # 3
   gain<0.sum()  --loosing sum -0.079  # 1
   gain/loss ratio :  3.69620253165  Hit ratio :  3.0
For OLD signals
   gain>0.sum()  --winning sum 1.825  # 21
   gain<0.sum()  --loosing sum -0.646  # 9
   gain/loss ratio :  2.82507739938  Hit ratio :  2.33333333333

In [10]: able2generalize(buildsignals(0.8))
For NEW signals
   gain>0.sum()  --winning sum 0.227  # 1
   gain<0.sum()  --loosing sum -0.079  # 1
   gain/loss ratio :  2.87341772152  Hit ratio :  1.0
For OLD signals
   gain>0.sum()  --winning sum 0.961  # 12
   gain<0.sum()  --loosing sum -0.526  # 6
   gain/loss ratio :  1.82699619772  Hit ratio :  2.0

After some more training (100+)

In [13]: testthresholds()
 0.00 <#:  395> <EUR:    7.54> <EUR/trade: 0.019> <%:118.29> <%/trade:  0.30>
 0.05 <#:  325> <EUR:    7.25> <EUR/trade: 0.022> <%:118.08> <%/trade:  0.36>
 0.10 <#:  281> <EUR:    7.12> <EUR/trade: 0.025> <%:117.50> <%/trade:  0.42>
 0.15 <#:  250> <EUR:    7.06> <EUR/trade: 0.028> <%:117.26> <%/trade:  0.47>
 0.20 <#:  218> <EUR:    5.50> <EUR/trade: 0.025> <%: 93.98> <%/trade:  0.43>
 0.25 <#:  192> <EUR:    5.63> <EUR/trade: 0.029> <%: 95.48> <%/trade:  0.50>
 0.30 <#:  165> <EUR:    5.35> <EUR/trade: 0.032> <%: 90.27> <%/trade:  0.55>
 0.35 <#:  140> <EUR:    5.05> <EUR/trade: 0.036> <%: 86.64> <%/trade:  0.62>
 0.40 <#:  120> <EUR:    4.60> <EUR/trade: 0.038> <%: 78.43> <%/trade:  0.65>
 0.45 <#:  101> <EUR:    4.65> <EUR/trade: 0.046> <%: 78.80> <%/trade:  0.78>
 0.50 <#:   83> <EUR:    4.08> <EUR/trade: 0.049> <%: 69.27> <%/trade:  0.83>
 0.55 <#:   71> <EUR:    4.02> <EUR/trade: 0.057> <%: 69.81> <%/trade:  0.98>
 0.60 <#:   63> <EUR:    3.22> <EUR/trade: 0.051> <%: 59.43> <%/trade:  0.94>
 0.65 <#:   58> <EUR:    2.98> <EUR/trade: 0.051> <%: 55.46> <%/trade:  0.96>
 0.70 <#:   52> <EUR:    2.76> <EUR/trade: 0.053> <%: 51.10> <%/trade:  0.98>
 0.75 <#:   47> <EUR:    2.53> <EUR/trade: 0.054> <%: 47.97> <%/trade:  1.02>
 0.80 <#:   42> <EUR:    2.14> <EUR/trade: 0.051> <%: 39.21> <%/trade:  0.93>
 0.85 <#:   35> <EUR:    1.50> <EUR/trade: 0.043> <%: 28.33> <%/trade:  0.81>
 0.90 <#:   26> <EUR:    0.60> <EUR/trade: 0.023> <%: 11.54> <%/trade:  0.44>
 0.95 <#:   22> <EUR:    0.68> <EUR/trade: 0.031> <%: 11.80> <%/trade:  0.54>
 1.00 <#:   18> <EUR:    0.65> <EUR/trade: 0.036> <%: 11.09> <%/trade:  0.62>

In [14]: able2generalize(buildsignals(0.6))
For NEW signals
   gain>0.sum()  --winning sum 0.58  # 8
   gain<0.sum()  --loosing sum -0.329  # 4
   gain/loss ratio :  1.76291793313  Hit ratio :  2.0
For OLD signals
   gain>0.sum()  --winning sum 4.025  # 37
   gain<0.sum()  --loosing sum -1.052  # 14
   gain/loss ratio :  3.82604562738  Hit ratio :  2.64285714286

In [15]: able2generalize(buildsignals(0.7))
For NEW signals
   gain>0.sum()  --winning sum 0.462  # 6
   gain<0.sum()  --loosing sum -0.329  # 4
   gain/loss ratio :  1.40425531915  Hit ratio :  1.5
For OLD signals
   gain>0.sum()  --winning sum 3.424  # 31
   gain<0.sum()  --loosing sum -0.797  # 11
   gain/loss ratio :  4.29611041405  Hit ratio :  2.81818181818

In [16]: able2generalize(buildsignals(0.8))
For NEW signals
   gain>0.sum()  --winning sum 0.462  # 6
   gain<0.sum()  --loosing sum -0.293  # 3
   gain/loss ratio :  1.57679180887  Hit ratio :  2.0
For OLD signals
   gain>0.sum()  --winning sum 2.516  # 25
   gain<0.sum()  --loosing sum -0.54  # 8
   gain/loss ratio :  4.65925925926  Hit ratio :  3.125

If targets are set to +/-0.8 instead of +/-1, many less signals are generated, although with more profit per trade:
In [33]: testthresholds()
 0.00 <#:  395> <EUR:    3.57> <EUR/trade: 0.009> <%: 68.60> <%/trade:  0.17>
 0.05 <#:  337> <EUR:    2.63> <EUR/trade: 0.008> <%: 52.00> <%/trade:  0.15>
 0.10 <#:  209> <EUR:    3.55> <EUR/trade: 0.017> <%: 61.01> <%/trade:  0.29>
 0.15 <#:  125> <EUR:    4.09> <EUR/trade: 0.033> <%: 71.54> <%/trade:  0.57>
 0.20 <#:   73> <EUR:    3.98> <EUR/trade: 0.055> <%: 68.25> <%/trade:  0.93>
 0.25 <#:   36> <EUR:    2.85> <EUR/trade: 0.079> <%: 48.34> <%/trade:  1.34>
 0.30 <#:   24> <EUR:    2.32> <EUR/trade: 0.097> <%: 37.38> <%/trade:  1.56>
 0.35 <#:   19> <EUR:    1.79> <EUR/trade: 0.094> <%: 29.80> <%/trade:  1.57>
 0.40 <#:   13> <EUR:    1.27> <EUR/trade: 0.097> <%: 20.72> <%/trade:  1.59>
 0.45 <#:   10> <EUR:    1.16> <EUR/trade: 0.116> <%: 19.55> <%/trade:  1.96>
 0.50 <#:   10> <EUR:    1.16> <EUR/trade: 0.116> <%: 19.55> <%/trade:  1.96>
 0.55 <#:    9> <EUR:    1.17> <EUR/trade: 0.130> <%: 19.81> <%/trade:  2.20>
 0.60 <#:    8> <EUR:    0.97> <EUR/trade: 0.122> <%: 15.51> <%/trade:  1.94>
 0.65 <#:    7> <EUR:    0.88> <EUR/trade: 0.126> <%: 13.86> <%/trade:  1.98>
 0.70 <#:    6> <EUR:    0.84> <EUR/trade: 0.140> <%: 13.33> <%/trade:  2.22>
 0.75 <#:    5> <EUR:    0.71> <EUR/trade: 0.142> <%: 11.16> <%/trade:  2.23>
 0.80 <#:    4> <EUR:    0.27> <EUR/trade: 0.068> <%:  6.09> <%/trade:  1.52>
 0.85 <#:    4> <EUR:    0.27> <EUR/trade: 0.068> <%:  6.09> <%/trade:  1.52>
 0.90 <#:    3> <EUR:    0.11> <EUR/trade: 0.038> <%:  3.05> <%/trade:  1.02>
 0.95 <#:    3> <EUR:    0.11> <EUR/trade: 0.038> <%:  3.05> <%/trade:  1.02>
 1.00 <#:    3> <EUR:    0.11> <EUR/trade: 0.038> <%:  3.05> <%/trade:  1.02>

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A neural network to predict the next value of a sine wave

Reportedly, neural networks are able to learn complex rules. Let's see if they can learn to predict the next value of a sine wave...

Predicting from two past values

Start generating pairs of values of a sine wave described by cos(6t) and a sampling period of 0.1s

ds = SupervisedDataSet(2, 1)

for ix in range(2,101):

Then, build the neural network

net = buildNetwork(2, 3, 1, hiddenclass=TanhLayer) 
trainer = BackpropTrainer(net, ds)

Make a different dataset for testing. Note it has the same frequency

# Test dataset with different values
dst = SupervisedDataSet(2, 1)
for ix in range (2,101):

Define a function to test quality of the resulting network

def evalnet():
   print 'std error :'+str(stderr)

Then train the network and display result repeatedly:


Here are the results

Run #1
In [81]: execfile( '')
std error :0.475135957881
std error :0.00528582169261
std error :0.00420217821467
std error :0.00388770773851

Run #2
In [82]: execfile( '')
std error :0.825420526812
std error :0.0231771366421
std error :0.0206355959287
std error :0.0188795980662

Run #2
In [83]: execfile( '')
std error :0.790629966353
std error :0.0095095475289
std error :0.0078286464515
std error :0.00764017583539

Is the network able to predict cos(5t) if trained for cos(6t)?

In [88]: execfile( '')
std error :0.981991629948
std error :0.0691771695798
std error :0.0695395180253
std error :0.0691409803733

In [89]: execfile( '')
std error :1.20686164247
std error :0.0741454399328
std error :0.0724747717285
std error :0.0700249455395

So, it doesn't perform very well, but it is fair enough!
If we set up a dataset with 50% of data corresponding to cos(5t) and 50% corresponding to cos(6t) and test with a similar data set:

In [123]: execfile( '')
std error :0.513686241649
std error :0.0340440621768
std error :0.0339060173516
std error :0.0338778895194

In [125]: execfile( '')
std error :0.669916052193
std error :0.0395873020069
std error :0.0374792495802
std error :0.0359768805783

In [126]: execfile( '')
std error :0.696332858547
std error :0.037025395267
std error :0.0363592341024
std error :0.03641336896

How well does it predict a sine wave of a different amplitude?

In [153]: v=0.5*np.cos(5*tt-4); print v;net.activate([v[0],v[1]])
[-0.32682181 -0.46822834 -0.49499625]
Out[153]: array([-0.58104487])

Not quite well but, again, fair enough!

What happens with a network with more hidden neurons? 2,3,1 -> 2,5,1

In [156]: execfile( '')
std error :1.04554148959
std error :0.0385415333149
std error :0.0388701113238
std error :0.0386260279819  <- similar to before

In [157]: v=0.5*np.cos(5*tt-4); print v;net.activate([v[0],v[1]])
[-0.32682181 -0.46822834 -0.49499625]
Out[157]: array([-0.48321326])

And with another hidden layer? 2,3,1 -> 2,3,3,1

In [161]: execfile( '')
std error :0.788084537967
std error :0.0435729774591
std error :0.041549014995
std error :0.0398895692455

In [162]: v=0.2*np.cos(5*tt-2); print v;net.activate([v[0],v[1]])
[-0.08322937  0.01414744  0.10806046]
Out[162]: array([ 0.00811018])

With 2,3,1 -> 2,4,4,1 it performs more or less the same

Predicting from three past values

In [203]: execfile( '')
std error :0.849241666555
max error :2.67855045373
std error :0.0536682726789
max error :0.120103597074
std error :0.0475902319921
max error :0.108592376129
std error :0.0422407920624
max error :0.0944045487712

In [204]: v=0.7*np.cos(5.5*tt-0.2); print v;net.activate([v[0],v[1],v[2]])
[ 0.6860466   0.6575609   0.43512698  0.08435194]
Out[204]: array([ 0.07766859])

In [205]: v=0.5*np.cos(4*tt-0.2); print v;net.activate([v[0],v[1],v[2]])
[ 0.49003329  0.49003329  0.41266781  0.27015115]
Out[205]: array([ 0.21284467])

In [206]: v=0.6*np.cos(4.2*tt-0.6); print v;net.activate([v[0],v[1],v[2]])
[ 0.49520137  0.59030622  0.58280278  0.47399534]
Out[206]: array([ 0.41496148])

Works very good!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Neural networks for stock market prediction

Tools which I have chosen: pyBrain

There is also neuroph, which seems an instructive tool written in java. This link has also an interesting tutorial on predicting a sine wave.

To install pyBrain:
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
sudo easy_install pybrain

Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Losing Strategy?

A given strategy gives you x1.2 your original investment 50% of the time and x0.822 your original investment 50% of the time.Note that 1.2·0.822 = 0.98623 which is less than one. So, if you trade this system 100 times with your full equity, assuming you get 50 winning and 50 losing trades, your will end up with a 50% loss, as 1.2^50*0.822^50=0.5.

This is not appealing, is it? But, what happens if you always trade a fraction "f" of your current equity? Look a the graph below, showing the simulated results for 10k experiments:
As in this post, the blue shaded areas correspond to areas including 25%, (darkest), 50%, 75% and 90% (lightest) of the outcomes. The frontiers between areas are 5%, 12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, 62.5%, 75%, 87.5% and 90% percentiles. The solid blue line corresponds to the theoretical case: half of the results lie above and half below this line. The green line is the mean of the outcomes.

It follows, that you may get a final equity E, greater than the initial one Eo. Specifically E>1.016·Eo in 62.5% of the cases if you make each trade with f=0.1, i.e. 10% of our equity.

The following simulation is a similar case where the gains are x1.5 and x0.6575:
Clearly, this might be attractive, depending on your level of risk!